First Name Sex
Estimate sex (gender, male/female-ness) from a list of names.
Problem: You have a list of names (e.g., from
registrations on a web site) and you wonder how many of
them are male and how many are female.
Solution: Upload your name list below and get
back an estimate of the male and female percentages of
your population. Names should be in a simple text
(ASCII) format, one name per line. The first word on
each line will be taken as the first name; all remaining
text will be ignored.
This tool is based on the first names and sex (sometimes
called gender) reported in the 1990 US Census. If the
population your names are drawn from is not similar to
the population which reported names and sex in the 1990
US Census, then the resulting report may not be
accurate. Also, the larger the sample size, the more
accurate the results are likely to be.